About Us
Gamerlicious has been a gaming community for more than half of a decade. It consists of some friends, who enjoy gaming together.
A cooperative, friendly and open mindset is of paramount importance to us. Because it is just dangerous to go alone. Though there also might be some friendly competition, if that floats your boat. You should just keep in mind that games are secondary and people behind their keyboards are the most important thing to consider.
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Our values
Gamerlicious stands for:
A community platform by gamers for gamers
Our decisions are communicated transparently and openly
We remain neutral when passing on information
Every person is welcome.
What is the meaning and purpose?
The purpose of the association is to contribute to the education and promotion of (computer) games culture, safety and health in the area of (computer) games, and to social issues in the online gaming world.
Our program [German]about Gamerlicious and the team
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