
Pixel pusher, the one with the Communi-Dings-Bums background, role player with body and soul, Apple fan boy and technical toy child.

Last Mohikkan

Short Facts

Founding member and chairman of the association


Born in Vienna in 1983 and still living there, there was a five-year trip to Munich in 2012. In Munich, of all places, I met a Viennese woman who I can call my wife today and is also one of the reasons why I have been living in Vienna again since 2018. Games of any kind have accompanied me my entire life. Starting with the ‘classic’ parlor games, via ‘89 Gameboy, Commodore 64, to today’s home PC and the console in the living room.

The first games I actively remember were Giana Sisters on the home C64, and Golden Axe and Lemmings on Amiga 500 of my cousin a few years later.

Although I was a classic 80’s Gameboy child, we still had a home PC early on - a 486 - with Windows 3.1 and of course some games. Since the room in which the Commodore and later the PC were previously located was needed for my younger sister, the PC unfortunately had to be moved to my room.

Das Schwarze Auge - Die Schicksalsklinge

Games like Disney’s Lion King, Das schwarze Auge - Die Schicksalsklinge, Doom and one or the other racing game that I played for hours - sometimes together with my cousin on a keyboard.

I actually bought my first console when I was about 20 years old. A Playstation One (the cute white one), which I actually own to this day, including chip tuning, of course.

In the meantime, an XBox 360 and a Wii have joined the living room. But actually I’m more of a PC gamer with keyboard and mouse and primarily in the fantasy RPG genre. With the exception of classic Jump’n’Run games. Let’s be honest, that’s just exhausting on the keyboard.


Let’s just sum it up, I’m a jack of all trades. I’m actually a trained construction engineer who briefly tried my hand at media informatics as a student, then completed retraining as a printing engineer and graphic designer and has now been working in the IT industry for 15 years. However, now as a senior project manager and consultant. But because it would have been boring without further training, I completed a bachelor’s degree in information, media & communication and have now been nibbling on my master’s degree in business psychology, leadership & management for a little longer.

Other activities

Alex shooting an archery Besides all the sitting in front of the PC, I also have a few other hobbies that I try to do together with my wife to pursue. Starting with archery, to traveling, medieval markets / festivals, photography, actually visiting museums, films and lots of music in the form of concerts and festivals. I only ride my motorbike and pursue my secret passion of astronomy on my own. But I could probably fill a separate page with leisure activities alone.

Posts Posted by Alexander

That was our 2024 - a little review

That was our 2024 - a little review

Another year is coming to an end, and we look back on the past months with pride and gratitude. 2024 has been a year full of progress, new projects, and shared experiences for Gamerlicious. It’s time to reflect on the highlights and give you a glimpse of what’s to come in the new year.

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Boardgame afternoon to start the new year

Boardgame afternoon to start the new year

The year opened in February with a games afternoon, which was held in a common room in Vienna’s 2nd district. We were joined by some well-known club members and some new game enthusiasts. There were also children’s games and willing players to entertain the little ones. At this point, a big thank you again to all participants.

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Completed Level 1 in Board Games Night

Completed Level 1 in Board Games Night

Last Saturday, June 23rd, the club held its first open board game night with club members and friends.

After we had to change location at short notice, the majority of the participants arrived at the Golden Harp Pub on time. We immediately started with the game "Set" (a logic card game), which our board member Sam had brought with him. Although the sudden requirement for logic overwhelmed a few players at first, the round soon expanded and the fun of the game only increased from there.

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Open Board Game Night - Attention! Changed location!

Open Board Game Night - Attention! Changed location!

ATTENTION! Changed location!

As the first official event of the association, we invite all interested persons to the board game night.
We will bring games from the pool of participants and board members, ranging from card games like Exploding Kittens, Uno etc., to big board games like "Die Zwerge", "Talisman", Monopoly or just dice poker or classics like "Die Siedler von Catan".

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General assembly 2023 - We voted

General assembly 2023 - We voted

On Friday there was the first official general meeting of the association, including the official election of the board, the auditors and our future logo.

The association can already count 12 members and all of them attended the meeting, which was held as a hybrid event - i.e. mixed online and on site. There were minor unplanned hurdles that we had to overcome, but all in all it was a very successful, sociable and fun general meeting.

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Join Gamerlicious

Join Gamerlicious

The greatest asset of an association are its members and without them it is almost pointless to carry out association work. For whom or what? Accordingly, of course, we want to have other members in the association who have the same drive, want to support us and maybe even want to get involved a little.

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Back to the beginning

Back to the beginning

On February 22nd, 2022 we sat together and finally finalized and signed the founding of the association. Since 26.03. the time has come and Gamerlicious is now officially a registered association with the name "Gamerlicious Spielekulturverein". And that's exactly what we stand for (and a little bit more...)

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