Last Saturday, June 23rd, the club held its first open board game night with club members and friends.

After we had to change location at short notice, the majority of the participants arrived at the Golden Harp Pub on time. We immediately started with the game "Set" (a logic card game), which our board member Sam had brought with him. Although the sudden requirement for logic overwhelmed a few players at first, the round soon expanded and the fun of the game only increased from there.
As soon as everyone had found their physical well-being and had also been provided with the first drinks, the participants divided into two game groups based on discussions and interests. A group of four took on the adventure board game "Talisman" while the second group tackled Munchkin.

The talisman table had to get a little creative when reading the individual fields on the game board and the action cards, due to the dimmer lights at the selected gaming table, but still the Crown of Command was successfully conquered and the game was won. Since three out of four players had not yet come into contact with Talisman, it took almost three hours, including explanations and answering questions about the rules. But the three of them got to know a new game and could probably be won over.
The Munchkin round was a little larger and roughly split half-half between new and experienced players, which of course made explanations and support easier and quicker in the beginning. Additionally a round of Munchkin is much faster, but it's no less fun. Here too the new players could be won over for the newly discovered game and are surely excited about a round of Munchkin in the future.
Since self-adulation is not one of the club's strengths, let's not start with "It was a great success!" - even if it still was in its own way. In any case, the board is pleased that a big number of people followed the call of the board game night and that a very nice, playful and fun evening with friends was possible.
For us one thing is certain. It wasn't the last of its kind!