The greatest asset of an association are its members and without them it is almost pointless to carry out association work. For whom or what? Accordingly, of course, we want to have other members in the association who have the same drive, want to support us and maybe even want to get involved a little.

The memberships

This is where I want to write a little bit about our memberships. You can get the most important information from the online form and the articles of association anyway, but here are a few additional words.

When selecting memberships, we tried to ensure that all interest groups were represented. So we have the regular, almost ordinary, full member, who pays the regular fee, has all the rights and obligations of a member and actively participates in club life.

But what if the member is a student? Or just short of cash because you are looking for a job?
There is a full member with a reduced annual fee as soon as appropriate proof has been presented. Of course, we trust our members first and foremost and are always interested in finding a common solution for everyone involved. But we also have to meet a few basic conditions.

So what does "a proof" mean?
This means only a photo / a copy of a student ID card, a pensioner card or a copy of the certificate from the labor market service. A note at the point: We only need the name, the address (since this should ideally match the address given in the association) and the recognition that it is a letter from the AMS. The rest, such as the daily rate, any insurance numbers, etc. may and should also be blacked out or made unrecognizable.

In principle, membership of the association is only approved from the age of 18. If it weren't for the usual BUT...

We have a so-called Junior Membership. This means that anyone under the age of 18 can also become a member if there is a so-called sponsor.
This means that ideally one parent, one older sibling, the aunt, the uncle, the grandfather, the grandmother, etc. (a close adult person) is also a member of our association and "vouches" for the junior member, so to speak. Of course, this can also happen in the same breath - so the application for membership(s) goes without saying.

And last but not least .. our supporting members

Yes, I want to ... BUT ... I'm actually not interested in club life, but I think the idea and implementation are great and I would like to support them. Yes, I'm happy to be a member, but - due to various other commitments - I don't actually have the time to really actively participate. Yes, I want to be a member because I like using the benefits and I like the idea, but I don't really care about elections and active participation...

Well? Found in one of the last sentences? Congratulations, you are a predestined supporting member. And that's not a bad thing at all! Honestly! We can all understand and understand when you actually think something is good and want to support it, but for various reasons you don't want to or can't actively participate. As a supporting member, you have no obligations, but of course you have no rights, in terms of voting, for example. What remains unaffected, of course, are the member bonuses.


So now we come to the augmented 1, 2 or 3 - erm.. 1, 2, 3 or 4.
You can see if you're really on the right track when... yes... unfortunately we can't make that decision for you. But we can help you with the decision-making process. Just write to us or drop by our Discord for a chat. We look forward to seeing you.

Related links:

Membership application
Statute (German)