Association Work

Online Game Night ft. Team Fortress 2

Online Game Night ft. Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2 is still great for a casual gaming session in the year 2023. Last Thursday, Gamerlicious organized a game night with the free-to-play game Team Fortress 2. Friends were able to join in between rounds. You can find the game on Steam. In the “Mann vs.

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Online Game Night

Online Game Night

As another first official event of the association, we invite all members and friends to an online game night. We are going back to the classics with the Free2Play game Team Fortress 2 on Steam. With a Steam account anyone can install this game. Download now so you can get started right away!

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Completed Level 1 in Board Games Night

Completed Level 1 in Board Games Night

Last Saturday, June 23rd, the club held its first open board game night with club members and friends. After we had to change location at short notice, the majority of the participants arrived at the Golden Harp Pub on time. We immediately started with the game "

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Open Board Game Night - Attention! Changed location!

Open Board Game Night - Attention! Changed location!

ATTENTION! Changed location! As the first official event of the association, we invite all interested persons to the board game night. We will bring games from the pool of participants and board members, ranging from card games like Exploding Kittens, Uno etc., to big board games like "

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General assembly 2023 - We voted

General assembly 2023 - We voted

On Friday there was the first official general meeting of the association, including the official election of the board, the auditors and our future logo. The association can already count 12 members and all of them attended the meeting, which was held as a hybrid event - i.

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Join Gamerlicious

Join Gamerlicious

The greatest asset of an association are its members and without them it is almost pointless to carry out association work. For whom or what? Accordingly, of course, we want to have other members in the association who have the same drive, want to support us and maybe even want to get involved a little.

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