
That was our 2024 - a little review

That was our 2024 - a little review

Another year is coming to an end, and we look back on the past months with pride and gratitude. 2024 has been a year full of progress, new projects, and shared experiences for Gamerlicious. It’s time to reflect on the highlights and give you a glimpse of what’s to come in the new year.

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General assembly 2023 - We voted

General assembly 2023 - We voted

On Friday there was the first official general meeting of the association, including the official election of the board, the auditors and our future logo.

The association can already count 12 members and all of them attended the meeting, which was held as a hybrid event - i.e. mixed online and on site. There were minor unplanned hurdles that we had to overcome, but all in all it was a very successful, sociable and fun general meeting.

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Join Gamerlicious

Join Gamerlicious

The greatest asset of an association are its members and without them it is almost pointless to carry out association work. For whom or what? Accordingly, of course, we want to have other members in the association who have the same drive, want to support us and maybe even want to get involved a little.

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