Education and promotion

of health in (computer) games

Better than expected

Although screen time has continued to increase in recent years, particularly among children and young adults, not everything about computer games is harmful to health. When used correctly, computer games can even serve as a means of promoting health.
It is therefore important to be informed about these possibilities in order to balance the negative effects with the positive aspects.

Physical health included

In addition to the games, which serve to actively promote health, health and stress reduction can also be promoted by playing “regular” computer games. A lot can be done to promote health when doing our hobby through active exercise during regular breaks, through ergonomic furniture settings to standing tables.

Games for Health

Some games and methods are better suited to this than others. A game in VR or rhythm games invites you to move your whole body. Location-based games like Niantic’s Pokémon GO require players to go to a specific location or walk specific routes.
With educational games, children can playfully learn certain subject areas, or playfully work through physiological and psychological topics.
The latter, so-called “Games for Health”, make it possible to learn about health/illness in a playful way and thus to work through a topic. Innovations in consumer hardware such as the “Xbox Adaptive Controller” particularly support this field.