Education and promotion

of social behaviour in the online gaming world

Being cautious, but not too suspicious, facing unknown players is a tightrope walk that doesn’t always succeed. Although the mantra “Don’t talk to strangers” was often repeated in infancy, it’s not the way to make friends. Especially when these strangers even seem to share interests (computer games). So how do you find yourself despite the warnings: “Don’t give out any information about yourself out”, “Your counterpart may not be what he says it is”, friends?

Build social aspects

A particularly important quality that has been lost in the era of fast-paced computer games is being nice and respectful of others. There is an increasingly brutal tone in computer games, which should not be accepted. In order to build the social aspect of computer games, it is essential to build a positive attitude that not only wins games but also wins people.
These include essential ways of life that should be included in the world of computer games: “treat others as you would like to be treated” and “treat others as they would like to be treated”. Going into a conversation without prejudice is just as important as being open to other points of view.

Friendships should be cultivated

Once a group of like-minded people has been found, it is important to build and maintain these friendships. Especially if the initial game through which contact was made is no longer played or not played as intensely. Realizing that a gaming community is more than people just playing a game is essential. Widespread chat programs such as Discord help to build open communities. In recent years, social networks such as YouTube and Twitch have offered platforms on which communities are built around a central personality. In the end, however, it is up to each individual to take the helm and organize an activity in the community. Let this just make the suggestion for the next game.

Positive aspects remain

Such activities in the community also have a positive impact on professional and private life. Communication skills are thus strengthened and by observing and controlling group structures (“How does a group work?”, “How is a group “structured”? ”), team building skills can be developed and expanded.