Education and promotion

of (computer) games culture

The gamer in society

From consoles, PCs, mobile phones to VR, the term computer games is more widespread today than ever before. It symbolizes an evening activity, a competition or a pastime on the train, regardless of whether it is an adventure game lasting several hours, an entertaining Jump & Run or a turn-based mobile game. The so-called “gamer” has long since arrived in the middle of society and can even be found on an international level in e-sports.

Gamification not only in the game

However, computer games of whatever kind continue to struggle with a negative reputation. Players are often prematurely judged, pigeonholed and devalued in everyday life, at school or at work. This is in no way necessary. In addition to the negative aspects that are constantly being pointed out, video games also have a wealth of positive effects. So-called “gamification” can be found in many areas of everyday life without being really noticed or even dismissed in society.

The quantity makes the poison

Through cooperation, educational work and the constant attempt to promote the gaming culture, the previously negative image of the gaming community is to be improved. The existing benefit of such a hobby should be shown and clearly positioned. But as so often in life, there is no benefit without harm. The amount makes the poison, as the saying goes, and especially with video games, which are increasingly using so-called dark patterns, it is important to show how you can recognize the traps, how to deal with them and what hurdles await you .