Our team

The board or who is behind Gamerlicious?

The board: Michael, Samuel, Alexander, Marc

The team behind Gamerlicious or Who is responsible for this?

We, the Gamerlicious team, consisting of four board members and a few other volunteers, are almost always available and try to help where possible.
The executive board represents the association and its interests externally and is responsible for managing the current business of the association. He makes decisions that are necessary for ongoing business, develops visions for the future and gives the club a face. The assessors supported him in this, but cannot represent the association alone, i.e. without the executive board.
If you would like to support us and work with us, you are welcome to contact the board at any time.

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The Team


Chairman / Board of Directors



Chairman deputy / Board of Directors



Cashier / Board of Directors



Cashier deputy / Board of Directors


The tasks of the board of directors

Contact Person

We are the point of contact for everyone in all conceivable club matters and sometimes beyond.

Public Relations

We try to make the topics and wishes of Gamerlicious public and to represent them.

Community Support

We take care of our members and everyone else who is on board and wants to have fun together.


We impart knowledge and tips & tricks in the course of joint workshops, training courses and lectures.

Information Provision

We also provide that information and would like to clarify.

Collaboration Partnerships

We also cooperate with other organizations or companies and maintain them for the benefit of the association.

Get to know Gamerlicious.

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